Premature Ejaculation


Until recently I came to realize about the huge amount of men around the world (30% -70 %) that suffer the embarrassing problem of premature ejaculation in their sexual lives; and many without any hope of healing. Before I knew this I thought I was alone with my Premature Ejaculation problem and I couldn't see a solution coming from anywhere.

I don't know about the other guys suffering from this condition but the first time it happened to me, I didn't consider it as a scary situation, at most I felt curious; "hey, anyone ejaculates fast from time to time" I would say to myself. I didn't care much, I thought it was just that I was tired and somehow "out of focus" that night. My wife, as well, didn't complain much. It seems women, specially if they love you, won't complain much at the beginning if you don't satisfy her in bed from time to time. But my problem was growing and getting worse with time. The fourth time it happened to me, I had already spent one month without having any good sex at all with me honey; and yes, she looked worried now. It was like if she was already realizing it was not as simple as a hard working day consequence, it was something else.

Now I was starting to feel scared and also really perturbed by what was happening to me and my sexual life. How wrong was my situation that I couldn't last more than a few moments before I ejaculated without even really starting to have any true sex. Every time, every day, me and my wife tried the result was the same.

A number of weeks passed and nothing had improved. I had taken some vitamins, teas; I always tried to motivate myself before an encounter trying to get rid of the great fear I felt of failing again to my wife before having sexual intercourse...and that's what used to happen, a fast ejaculation and my condition getting worse.

My wife now really looked desperate. I even started to deny sex encounters wit her. Even if I was dying to get into bed with my wife and have some good time together, I simply shied away from her trying to think in something else. I felt miserable. Now I couldn't even enter into my wife before I was ejaculating like crazy; and yes it all was a crazy situation.

One full year had to pass until I finally found some real relief for my ailment. I had started a search in many places, including the web, for a solution to my premature ejaculation.

I consulted a number of physicians with not very good results, I had only mild improvements during the first weeks but then I again fell to the same stage I was at the beginning. Premature orgasms every time I gave myself a chance to have sex. Fortunately by this time my wife had understood that what was happening to me was a real health condition that needed help to improve and I was getting her support in my search for the cure. She even showed her comprehension when I committed the great mistake of using some of those "desensitizing" creams, what a mistake! If she could not feel me before because I wasn't inside, now she couldn't feel me even if I was inside for a moment or if afterwards tried to use my fingers as an acceptable resource to give her some satisfaction. It wasn't long before I realized the big mistake I had committed by using those creams and I immediately stopped using them for good.

It was around those hard and confusing days that I found the way out of my premature ejaculation condition. I stumbled on it almost by accident, but the results I've obtained are much more than an accident. I finally came to realize that premature ejaculation is not an organic disease, that my sex organs were right and healthy, but that my mind was the organ that was failing me. I had a problem with how I was approaching my sex life and fortunately it had a solution.

I started the recommended routines and exercises one Friday evening by myself; my new discovery was making me feel full of hope again. This time my wife didn't get really involved, but it was because I had asked her so. This method assured it would work even if I used it by myself, and considering the other times I had worked with my wife side by side and nothing really happened; I preferred to save me, and her, the embarrassment of one more failure. This time I would work by myself and hopefully make it work.

And it did! From the second week and on my condition started to heal and improve consistently. I maintained the discipline with the routines and exercises and just after two months my premature ejaculation was totally cured, giving me the feeling of being a new man and feeling in my best shape in years. The method I accidentally discovered one night on the web had delivered and lived up to his promises.

My conclusion is; YES there is hope for all men suffering from this condition, and the best of all news...YES there is a cure for Premature Ejaculation. You just have to use the right method to cure your condition. I did and I would gladly recommend the method that cured me and gave me back my sexual life.