Come See as We Try Size Genetics,See The Results


Does SizeGenetics Really Work?

My Fourth Month

Hello everyone great to be back. So here we are ...4 months into the extenders regimien. After gaining 1/4   inch last month It was hard not to measure all the time but I refrained and today after measuring I  gained 1/8  inch this month. I thought I was going to have a steady increase in the gain, but much to my disappointment, it was not the case. However the girth has now reached 1/2 inch gain! Mabey its the way the cells regenerate? I dont know? I am not a scientist or a doctor so I am not sure whats really happening I just know I am  getting Bigger. I can definetly tell I am Anyway, I hang much lower, using  urinal's without dividers is not in anyway embarrassing, Its really meaty while flaccid now too. I piss proudly letting it just hang out! So Total I’ve gained  roughly 11/16 inch in Length and a impressive 1/2 inch in Girth since I started using the SizeGenetics extender.Does SizeGenetics Really Work

That girl I have been telling you about that I’ve been sleeping with, well, we’re now exclusively dating. Her name’s Melanie, by the way. Pretty name, huh? She’s a Gorgeous, Sexy girl too. We have been spending alot of time together and have decided to become an item. Mabey she wants me all to herself when my penis finally reaches its full size?...I will  Watch out for that.

Our sex has gotten better by the day. I’m not saying that our sex before was bad. It was great, but lately, it has just been wonderful. Orgasm's have never felt this good. I never associated an orgasm with heaven before. I thought people saying that were just corny. But dang, my orgasm's really last a long time and there so powerful.I have to say it feels like heaven now. It’s just plain awesome. It’s taking me way less time to recover also, which is great because she loves going on these All-Night sweat dripping marathons. She is also unbelievably supportive of the Extender, always asking me to wear it more and reminding me to wear it...I think it turns her on really. I mean my penis looks bigger than ever now, but its just huge in the extender. Also the other night during sex she said she could definetly tell it was larger ..and said it hurt! But then said a GOOD WAY! It Hurts Good. I loved hearing that you cant imagine... I mean thats the whole reason I am doing this right? I have also noticed that my PC Muscle has strengthen signifigantly from doing the exercises on the Penis Health dvd I recieved with the Sizegenetics. I can honestly say in the beginning I was not sure of what the results would be, but I feel like an entirely different man! I am definetly suprised and happy with the results so far. 


Extender Update...


That same spring I broke a few months ago broke again. I guess I’ve been putting a lot of pressure on that part of the extender when I sleep. I still have my last spare so I was able to place a replacement right away. I called SizeGenetics a while ago to get more springs. The guys at sizegenetics have been helpful and easy to deal with. I already broke two springs in a matter of two months so it pays to have a spare around. It’s free anyway.


Thought You’d Like to Know


For a lack of a better thing to do with my extender, I colored it red. The results are pretty disparaging. A red SizeGenetics extender is not really a good sight. The paint also flakes off easily. It wasn’t a big deal but i thought I could mention it. Probrobly the only red penis extender in existence, I should of dyed it instead.. I might try that next.

I was also rolling over in bed the other night when I accidentally squished the extender between Melanie and I. She was in deep sleep and didn’t even flinch but boy did it sting on my part. I was just so happy when I woke up the next day that my penis didn’t get any bruises. The extender was also in good condition.

The penis pills arrived just four days after I’ve ordered them. I still had a few left when I emailed them for more pills and I was  worried about running out, so I am glad the turn-around time was pretty fast. The pills were shipped  discreetly so my mailman isnt catching Now that Melanie  knows(and encourages it) , I don’t worry about being seen taking the pills, but the discreetness just adds a nice little intriguing touch to it.

I think that’s about it for now. I’m going to keep you posted with my penis extender enlargement progress next month. I sure I’ll gain more. I have recieved tons of emails about the extender, I know some guys are shy about posting your comments but please do I encorage it and welcome it,just use initials or something if your concerned someone will see your reading this(although they would have to be also) Anyways Wish me luck!

One more thing, If you want to see what others are saying about sizegenetics, find e-coupons and other penis enlargement products check out the Penis Enlargement Review  page. A place where us  guys talk about pills ,extenders , and exercises. Remember I will return next month with my Does SizeGenetics Really Work ? Regimin Till Then Good Luck!