Come See as We Try Size Genetics,See The Results

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Does SizeGenetics Really Work? Does SizeGenetics Really Work?

My Third Month

My first update of the New Year! It’s been three months now. Imagine that! I have been wearing the SizeGenetics extender everyday for three months, wow! I’ve done everything that needed to be done in the SizeGenetics program. Just like I said, I have been wearing the extender everyday, I’ve been taking the penis pills, and I’ve been doing the exercises the Penis Health program suggested. I’m almost  out of the penis pills, but still I don’t see a huge difference yet with my penis. It is growing however, this last month I've recorded  a 1/4-inch gain which is pretty exciting.

That new growth has given me a total enlargement of 9/16 of an inch on my penis. I can smile about it, but I’m not quite satisfied with it. Now believe me I have measured my penis a hundred times and yes,it is 6 and 9/16 inches,but for the three months I've put in, it doesent really seem worth it.....does it? I mean... I guess 9/16 of an inch larger is respectable, I just expected more gains in this time frame. I am hoping to see the gains getting more and more progressive as I continue wearing the extender.

Other month 3 Does SizeGenetics Really Work ? Benifits

On a seperate note, the sex is much more fun with my "friend" (same one from my past post) now. I’ve been calling her  girlfriend, but guess what, we’ve only been seeing each other for about six months now. She’s more of a date rather than a girlfriend, but hey I don’t mind. She’s enjoying my penis more and more. She still laughs every time she sees my penis hanging with the extender on, but she told me she get's turned on by the scene. I guess that’s not too bad, considering she told me her ex-lover was a full 8 inches! I'm working on it! I will get there,1 month at a time......

I think I still need to work hard on this SizeGenetics program. Six months isn’t over yet, so I still have ample time to see more results. I know I have to do more of these exercises,possibly try and wear it longer during the day.Actually, you know Maybe a half an inch is not too bad after all. I guess I have to be happy about it. As I’m writing this, I’m starting to realize that 0.5 inch is quite a feat already. It’s better to grow over 1/2 an inch than to not grow at all. I mean really, if penis enlargement was easy every guy would have a 10" penis!


Some  Observations on month 3 of Does SizeGenetics Really Work ?

I can feel that my penis has gotten thicker. I measured the circumference right before I started writing this and I’m kind of intrigued with what I saw – a 0.3 inch increase on the circumference. I don’t know but it definitely feels thicker to me. I also have this strange feeling every time I pee – I get so proud of my penis that I feel like I’m standing taller while peeing than I used to.

I don’t know if the penis pills have any effect on my penis enlargement at all, but just to make sure, I’ve ordered some more. I bet there’s nothing wrong with believing in something you’re not sure of, right? Who knows, these pills could be the secret to my longer penis, but then again, why change whats working. My Father always told me dont fix whats not broken...right, so I am going to play it safe and continue as the Size Genetics  program instructs. Thanks Guys for reading my post ..if you have any comments or questions feel free to post or mail them,I will return them as quick as I can.I will return next month same time same channel. Thanks for reading Does SizeGenetics Really Work? my Month 3  of the six month trial Frank.