

Jelq And Hold Jelquing VideoJelq And Hold Jelquing Video

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Jelq And Hold Jelquing Video

1. Warm up using the steps on our enlargement exercise warm up page.

2. Gently rub the shaft of your penis (use lubrication) until it’s 60-80% erect.

3. Using the thumb and index finger of your right hand, grip the base of your penis securely. Your right thumb and finger should make an "OK" sign around the base.

4. With a tight hold, move your thumb and index finger slowly toward the tip of your penis. It’ll look like you’re milking it. This step should only take 3 seconds. As you milk, the blood will make the head of your penis larger.

5. When your right thumb and finger reach the head of your penis, hold your grip for 10 seconds.

6. While maintaining your grip with your right hand, make an "OK" sign with your left thumb and index finger wrap it tightly around the base of your penis. Use your left hand to repeat the milking motion of your right hand. As your left hand reaches the tip, remove your right hand from your penis.

7. When your left thumb and finger reach the head of your penis, hold your grip for 10 seconds. 8. Repeat steps 3 through 7, alternating the milking motion with your right and left hands. Do this exercise for 5 minutes (approximately 25 strokes).

 Jelq And Hold Jelquing Video Helpful Topics

Helpful notes for the Jelq And Hold Use lubrication to warm up. Like the Ultimate Jelq Exercise, do NOT perform the Jelq And Hold with a full erection. Doing so could result in vein damage. Don’t be alarmed if you notice small red spots on the head of your penis. This is caused by blood constriction. It’s normal and will vanish after a couple days. Have a try at the Ultimate Jelq Exercise . Thanks for visiting our Jelq And Hold Jelquing Video.