Your diet has a dramatic effect on your penis size and how effective your penis enlargement efforts will ultimately be. This article will reveal the foods to try to get a larger penis size and the foods and lifestyle choices you are making that are making your penis smaller than it should be.

We've all heard the saying "you are what you eat". This is in fact true for snorers and it is also particularly true for men trying to increase the size. Your diet and the foods you eat will have an influence on how effective your enlargement methods will be and also your sexual endurance and erection strength.

The key to enlargement lies in increasing the blood flow to the penis. If there are things in your lifestyle that restrict the blood flowing to your arteries, this will also impact on your male penis enlargement efforts.

The foods that are healthy for you are also the foods that will help you improve your size. Blood flow is critical to not just male penis enlargement but also to sexual endurance and impotence. If you have a poor unhealthy diet consisting of artery clogging foods, neither a pill or exercises are going to help you if you counterbalance all your hard work by continuing to clog your arteries.

Here's A List Of Foods To Try To Increase Your Size Through Diet
- If you love chips, hamburgers, ribs, and every fatty food imaginable then the foods I'm about to share with you are going to probably make you roll your eyes up to the ceiling.
- Fish, wholewheat grains, lean meats, fruit, vegetables, unprocessed natural foods.
- The best foods to avoid for enlargement are fatty deep fried foods, foods with little nutritional value (these are probably the ones that taste the best), white flour products, heavily processed foods, and sugary foods
- If your diet is deficient then a mineral or multivitamin supplement can also help you.
- If you smoke then you are constantly decreasing the blood flow to the area. For best results give cigarettes the flick.
- It is possible to actually train the penis to let more blood flow through the penis with natural penis enlargement exercises and this increased blood flow will give larger and stronger erections.

One natural penis enlargement exercise is the jelq. This rhythmic, slow pulling exercise is said to enable more blood to flow through the penis. Of course, for effective results you must perform these natural penis enlargement exercises frequently and consistently.

One of the best ways to gain firm penis erections is by doing a penis exercise called the PC flex. To perform this penis exercise simply stop peeing before you're finished. Now this exercise isn't comfortable. You will feel a squeeze in that area.

A lot of men will happily try natural penis enlargement exercises as they have the time to put into regular penis enlargement exercises. Other men who don't want to put time nor effort into their penis enlargement options will prefer to try other methods like plastic surgery for penis enlargement and penis enlargement pills.