Men give a huge amount of attention to their penis size. For most men, size does matter.

But does penis size matter to women?

Some say yes, others disagree. The subject is a never ending controversy. Men and women constantly argue this matter, and magazines often feature articles on the topic.

For women however, sometimes size simply does matter. Gina from Los Angeles had this to say:

I have been in a relationship man who I think is amazing. We have much in common, and everything is great. The trouble is that when we have sex, I just cant feel him inside of me. There is just no contact with my clitoris. It doesnt matter how long he stays at it, I just cant feel his cock.

With other men, I can have an orgasm in just a couple of minutes, but he is so small, I just cant. I dont really want to get into specifics, but his penis is about 4 1/2 inches long and very thin. I try to remind myself that his penis size doesnt matter, but the fact is that I should be able to have good sex and good orgasms.

Not only can I not orgasm, but I am also worried that he isnt feeling much either, which worries me to the point where I feel like less of a woman when Im with him. I dont know what other women would do in this situation, but Im definitely confused and upset about it. Here is this guy that knows so much about me and I love him to death and everything between us is going great, but our sex life is so frustrating, What can I do?

There are a few options for this couple, but really the first thing a women in her situation should do is to tell him what the problem is. This is almost guaranteed to put a strain on the relationship, but she has to tell him. How tough would it be for a woman to tell her man that she cant feel his penis when they have sex?

After they discuss the issue, they can move on to talk about ways to solve their problem so that Gina can get the satisfying sex she wants and needs. One thing the couple can do is decide if her partner could enlarge his penis. If this is acceptable, there are penile extenders at most sex toy shops or they are available online. They can also use small vibrators intended to stimulate the clitoris and this can supplement intercourse and be used at other times. Her boyfriend can use the vibrator and oral sex before or after intercourse.

If the couple chooses the first option however, her boyfriend can choose from many widely accepted methods of natural penis enlargement, methods that do not require surgery but still are effective at lengthening the penis and its girth as well. Surgery is a big roadblock for many couples wishing to try penis enlargement for benefits of sexual enhancement and many of them suffer or fail because they simply do not know about alternative treatments. But there are many methods to choose from such as herbal pills, patches, penis traction devices and exercises. What are the pros and cons? Are they worth the money and do they work?

Penis enlargement pills are touted by many companies selling them as wonder pills that magically enlarge your penis but is there any truth to that? Do they really work?

Vitamins offer many sexual benefits but no pill can enlarge your penis on its own. To gain size, pills must be enhanced by a program of natural exercises or with use of a penis traction device. Run away from any pill that promises to enlarge your penis by itself.

Penis traction devices, or penis stretchers for penis enlargement force the penis to grow by applying a traction force, controlled by you. In this way, the penis slowly grows over time with minimal effort.

Penis stretcher devices use traction through the use of metal bars that run along the shaft, between an organically shaped base that fits over the penis at its base. The penis is secured at the head end with a band that fastens the penis head in place (with foam padding for comfort).

Following the instructions of any given traction device promotes safety and proper use that when compared to surgery can avoid many potential side effects such as scarring and damaged tissue. Penis stretchers were intended for growing tissue after penile augmentation surgery but can now be used to enlarge the penis without surgery.

There are also natural penis enlargement exercise techniques. These are 1-3 step exercises like the jelq and some other special types of stretching movements. Exercises offer a permanent gain in length and girth, but require much more practice, dedication and hours of effort than by using a penis traction device.