Performance in bed and penis size are two things that often cross a mans mind. These topics are not completely physical though. They are also two of the most important factors that influence a mans self esteem. A lack in either of the two can quickly spell disaster for intimate relationships and are definitely tough topics to bring out in the open.

In the past, problems with penis size were mostly ignored and resulted in many marital problems, even divorce. Men who decided to do something about a small penis size or poor sexual function often found themselves with little to no choices.

While most women will swear a small penis can still get the job done, the male ego will never take this situation lightly. A man with a big penis feels like a real man, he desires sex more often, and enjoys better sex and sensation from the added size he has.

In todays world of male self improvement, there has been a huge increase in the ways to enhance and increase penis size and sexual ability. More than ever, it seems that men are looking to the simpler and newer methods to gain extra size. The various methods are divided up into two simple categories: the ones that work, and the ones that do not work.

Penis enlargement methods that do NOT work

First let ups get rid of the ones that do not work. Methods such as pumps, creams, oils, pills, and patches will not permanently increase the penis size. They are either generally food supplements or topical oils that will only give temporarily bigger erections.

And dont be fooled by the penis pumps, they do exactly what they suggest, and that is to pump more blood into the penis so it looks bigger. Again, no real size gains.

Penis enlargement methods that DO work

The methods that do work include two main methods that every man should consider.

While some men are well endowed, they could still benefit from natural penis enlargement exercises. For others, quite a few of these exercises can be used to add length and thickness to the penis, and still others promote strength and overall penis health as their main benefits.

But can exercises really increase penis size? Anatomy says that penis size is directly a result of genetics. The penis is also not a muscle, which is why many people think there is no possible way it can be made larger, aside of course from those who have actually done it.

At any given point, the penis size is currently limited in the amount of blood that can fill it. However there are steps men can take to develop their size and thereby enjoy better sex and higher self esteem.

Penis exercising works because it stimulates the inner tissues of the penis. Just as doctors use the technique of traction to help their patients stretch new tissues as they recover from surgery, the penis tissue and therefore penis size can also be enlarged naturally.

The areas known as the Corpora Cavernosum and Corpus Spongiosum are the main chambers of the penis that fill up with blood during erections. These important spaces can be increased in size and strength through special, targeted exercises.

Your penis enlargement exercise workouts will strengthen and expand these tissues to hold more blood, and also stretch these tissues, developing healthy new tissue cells in the process. This results in a permanent increase in penis size, strength, sensation and stamina.

A faster alternative is the penis traction device

Men who want even faster results often opt for the other and newer method of penis enlargement that really works: the penis traction device. The penis enlargement device does exactly what exercises do, without the need to follow an exercise routine for similar, yet faster results.

The traction device is a new development in the area of natural male enhancement that comes to us from the medical community. A heavily researched and tested tool however, the traction devices available on the Internet offer quality and an easier way to permanent size gains than exercises alone.

The device is getting more popular because of its results in the medical world. It has been successfully used time and time again by people who are recovering from expensive penis enlargement surgery, and more recently by people using it in their homes to increase penis size naturally.

The device is small and is best if worn up for 6 to 8 hours per day, it fits any penis size, can be worn unseen under loose clothing, and it can also be combined with exercises for even bigger and faster results.

The device started being used to help post penis surgery patients even out and keep the gains they made in surgery. Since then, the traction device has gained dominance over the penis enlargement industry as a sole means for men to permanent size gains, blood flow to the penis area, harder erections, increased sexual stamina and sensation.

The device has especially been touted for its painless penis enlargement process, ease of use, and fast results.

Perhaps most importantly however, the device has been seen as a healthier and safer alternative to undergoing a much more expensive surgery. In fact, the price of most traction devices is less than what one pays for the first consultation for surgery alone.