How Does SizeGenetics Work ?

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How Does Sizegenetics Work?

The Copora Cavernosa is erectile tissue which holds blood during an erection. SizeGenetics will supply a constant and steady traction or pulling along the Copora Cavernosa. This traction will cause cells inside the Copora Cavernosa to pull apart and split, causing cell division which will create newer healthy cells while it does.

How Does SizeGenetics Work

The Copora Cavernosa and penis in general will become bigger, harder and stronger within months. Furthermore, the penis is able to contain more blood during an erection, so it's longer while both flaccid or erect. Just like the people in national geographic who stretch their lips,neck,ears...whatever the same is true!
SizeGenetics will work like a weight training regiment because your penis becomes bigger by continually training , stretching, and pulling to the limits of the penile tissue. Basically, the more you use SizeGenetics, the bigger your Penis will get.

SizeGenetics is a medically approved device. There are thousands of satisfied customers who used Sizegenetics to increase their penis size.