Tag Archives: Exercises

If you’re worried about the size of your penis, don’t worry, you’re not alone. Thousands of men have unjustified concerns about the size of this particular part of their body especially since the size of one’s penis isn’t a major factor when it comes to fornicating.

A lot of men ask themselves, "what can I do to get a bigger penis".

Just about every guy wants a larger penis and it’s only natural to want the same. The information contained in this article should provide you with a guide on some of the tried and tested penis exercises that will make your penis bigger.

According to many ancient records, various penis exercises have come down the ages to increase the length and girth of the penis. Recent research has testified their effectiveness in the same. And that is not all. These male exercises increase the amount of semen produced during ejaculation, help to sustain longer and harder erections thereby enabling you to last longer in bed and they also play a considerable role in improving your overall sexual performance and control.

Penis exercises can be done easily. They are of 3 basic types. These types are discussed below.

First, you can try doing the Jelq which has its origins in the ancient Arab tribes. While performing this penis exercise, you should start by gently stroking the penis area from the base of the penis and slide your strokes along the shaft. This technique, also known as penis milking, works by enhancing the blood flow into the erectile tissues by applying moderate but solid pressure.

Another one of the penis exercises that will make your penis bigger is the Kegel. It can be performed if you want to maintain harder and longer erections. It is not aimed at increasing the size of the penis.

A third kind of exercise is penis stretching. In this technique you are required to stretch the penis but not to such a length that it hurts. Stretch the penis within the limits of comfort by holding it outstretched for near about 15 seconds. Then release it. This should be done 10 – 15 times in each session.